The German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases' researchers discovered how to regenerate nerve connections, according to HealthCanal.
Neuron published the study.
Here are five observations:
1. The researchers looked for genes which regulate neuron growth, and found Cacna2d2 helps with synapse formation and function.
2. Cacna2d2 encodes the blueprint of a protein, which is involved in regulating the calcium particle flow into a cell. Calcium impacts cellular processes, including neuron communication.
3. The researches decided to administer the drug, Pregabalin, to mice with spinal cord injures. Pregabalin binds molecular anchors of calcium channels.
4. In the study, Pregabalin promoted the growth of new nerve connections.
5. The researchers concluded that "synapse formation acts as a powerful switch that restrains axonal growth, but a drug like Pregabalin could alter this and serve as a regenerative treatment for patients with SCI.