The Cervical Spine Research Society elected new officers for the 2016-17 year.
The new officers include:
• Darrel S. Brodke, MD: President
• Jeffrey C. Wang, MD: President-elect
• Alexander Vaccaro, MD, PhD: Vice President
• Christopher I. Shaffrey, MD: Treasurer
• Rick Sasso, MD: Secretary
Dr. Brodke assumed his role as president in December 2016 during the society's annual meeting. He is the vice chair of the department of orthopedics at the University of Utah in Salt Lake and holds the Louis and Janet Peery Presidential Endowed Chair in the department of neurosurgery. He also directs the orthopedic spine program and co-directs the spine fellowship program at the University of Utah.
In addition to his role with CSRS, Dr. Brodke is chairman of AOSpine North America. He succeeded Robert F. Heary, MD, as president.