Former Pittsburgh Steelers team physician Richard Rydze, MD, was charged for illegally distributing various drugs throughout his medical career, according to Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
Here are six things to know:
1. The federal court jury deliberated for three days last week before ultimately convicting Dr. Rydze of all 180 counts charged against him.
2. Dr. Rydze formerly owned Pittsburgh-based Optimal Health Center and was found guilty of conspiring with other physicians to falsely diagnose patients with hormone imbalance and prescribe them steroids and human growth hormones.
3. Among his 180 counts, Dr. Rydze was also convicted of distributing oxycodone, Opana and other narcotics as well as obstructing justice by convincing his brother to lie to the FBI for him.
4. Dr. Rydze faces a second trial in U.S. District Court on healthcare fraud charges for false nerve stimulation machine prescriptions brought against him in 2015.
5. Dr. Rydze left the Steelers in 2007 after serving on the team's medical staff for over 20 years.
6. Judge Joy Flowers Conti will announce a sentencing at a later date.
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