From: Becker's Spine Review <>
Subject: Spine surgery bundled payments - 15 things to know | Have some PODs violated the Sunshine Act? Senate Finance Committee seeks answers | Nicklaus Children's Hospital to freeze wages, lay off staff | Smart technologies, robotics & nano-engineering in spine: Q&A with Dr. Frank Shen
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March 26, 2019
Top Articles
1. Spine surgery bundled payments - 12 things to know Full story

2. Have some PODs violated the Sunshine Act? Senate Finance Committee seeks answers

3. Nicklaus Children's Hospital to freeze wages, lay off staff

4. Best practices for ASC payer contract negotiations. Click here to register for the upcoming webinar.

5. Joint 215+ hospital and health system executive speakers at Becker's largest Health IT + Revenue Cycle conference yet. Register here. | Thrilled to welcome keynotes Nikki Haley, Peyton Manning and George W. Bush at Becker's 8th Annual CEO + CFO Roundtable, November 11-13, 2019. Register here. For exhibiting and sponsorship opportunities, e-mail Jessica Cole at

6. Zimmer Biomet earns FDA 510(k) clearance for Rose One Spine System - 4 insights Full story

6. Emerging technologies include smart technologies, robotics & nano-engineering: Q&A with Dr. Frank Shen Full story

7. 4 US hospitals among top 10 in world

8. Better patient outcomes begin with better patient workflows. Find out how.

9. Maui Health System hires 2 neurosurgeons - 4 insights

10. Structural allograft vs. intervertebral cages in ACDF: 3 things to know

11. Is your health system vulnerable to communication breakdowns? Register for this upcoming webinar to learn how to patch your team's weak spots.


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Becker's Spine Review
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