From: Becker's Spine Review <>
Subject: 36 spine & orthopedic device companies to know - 2018 | Colorado hospital terminates CFO days after ousting 2 execs, CEO | Spine journal disruption: How visual abstracts and social media are changing the landscape | 17 of the highest-paid CEOs in healthcare
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April 18, 2018
Top Articles
1. 36 spine & orthopedic  device companies to know | 2018 Full story  

2. Colorado hospital terminates CFO days after ousting 2 execs, CEO  Full story
3. Spine journal disruption: How visual abstracts and social media are changing the landscape Full story  

4. Webinar: Learn strategies to reduce supply costs including effective GPO management and third-party equipment options. Register here. 

5. 4 key points on surface treatment for spinal implants

6. 17 of the highest-paid CEOs in healthcare Full story  

7. Webinar: Evaluate how revenue maximization as a service can provide material improvement to bottom line performance. Register here. 

8. 5 most active venture capital firms in healthcare in Q4 2017 Full story 

9. Spine surgeon leader to know: Dr. Peter D. Angevine of Columbia University Neurological Institute of New York Full story 

10. White paper: Efficient communication improves patient throughput. 

11. 10 things to know about SpinalCyte Full story 

12. No. 1 benefit physicians receive? Malpractice coverage Full story 

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