From: Becker's Spine Review <>
Subject: [MIS edition] Global spine biologics market to reach $1.74B by 2020; MIS driving growth: 5 key points | Joint Commission denies Virginia Mason full accreditation after discovering safety issues | Aurora Spine receives US patent for MIS ZIP ISP technology: 4 notes | Final Medicare Administrative Contractor approves MIS SI Joint Fusion coverage
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June 24, 2016
Top Articles
1. Global spine biologics market to reach $1.74B by 2020; MIS driving growth: 5 key points Full story            

2. Joint Commission denies Virginia Mason full accreditation after discovering safety issues
Full story
3. Final Medicare Administrative Contractor approves MIS SI Joint Fusion coverage; expands SI-BONE's iFuse access - 4 notes Full story 
4. Webinar: What you should be doing, asking and monitoring now to make sure your revenue cycle management processes are evolving to best handle value-based payments. Register here.

5. Aurora Spine receives US patent for MIS ZIP ISP technology: 4 notes Full story 
6. 14 latest hospital, health system CEO moves Full story
7. Whitepaper: Healthcare consumerism is here - a patient acquisition model that you fully control and own. Learn more and download

8. AMA calls for end of mandatory physician recertification despite fierce opposition: 5 things to know Full story 
9. Spine surgeon leader to know: Dr. Mark Kurd of Rothman Institute Full story
10. Centinel Spine now offering STALIF L system to US spine surgeons: 5 highlights Full story  

11. Spine ASC expansion, data collection & growth: Key thoughts on Laser Spine Institute's future from CEO David Pillsbury Full story

12. Aetna-Humana's road to regulatory approval is proving much smoother than Anthem-Cigna's - Here's why Full story
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