From: Becker's Spine Review <>
Subject: [Outpatient spine] Dr. Sunny Uppal: 3 considerations before adding spine to ASCs + what spine procedure is coming next | Hospital groups, health systems sue HHS to halt $1.6B in payment cuts | 4 key points on Laser Spine Institute - Providers have treated 75,000+ chronic pain patients since 2005 | 5 things to know about Alex Azar, Trump's pick for HHS secretary
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Nov. 15, 2017
Top Articles
1. Dr. Sunny Uppal: 3 considerations before adding spine to ASCs + what spine procedure is coming next Full story  

2. Hospital groups, health systems sue HHS to halt $1.6B in payment cuts Full story
3. 4 key points on Laser Spine Institute - Providers have treated 75,000+ chronic pain patients since 2005 Full story  

4. ASCs to grow at 6.6% CAGR in spinal fusion market: 4 things to know Full story

5. Best investment advice for young spine surgeons: 2 key thoughts from Dr. Richard Wohns 

6. 5 things to know about Alex Azar, Trump's pick for HHS secretary Full story  

7. Stryker remains confident in surgical robots: 5 takeaways Full story

8. Dr. Ken Nwosu joins Neospine Full story

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