Here are 10 spine surgeons and neurosurgeons in the news this past week.
Spine surgeons Dave S. Atteberry, MD, Hoan Tran, MD, and Michael G.E. Thomas, MD, were in the news when Nova Health in Yakima, Wash., opened a new location with an ambulatory surgery center where the surgeons will practice.
Baylor College named Daniel Yoshor, MD, the chair of neurosurgery.
Jupiter, Fla.-based spine surgeon Michael Gleiber, MD, authored an article featured in the Huffington Post about music in the operating room and was recently included in a story about spinal muscular dystrophy by a local CBS news source.
The Republican Business Desk featured Teresa Pianta, MD, who joined Cooley Dickinson Orthopedics & Sports Medicine and Cooley Dickinson medical staff.
Anthony Rinella, MD, was featured for providing scoliosis screenings at Silver Cross Health Center free of charge. He was featured in The Herald-News.
Orthopedic surgeon Keith Michael, MD, was featured in a My Fox Atlanta report discussing the phenomenon known as "Text Neck."
Weill Cornell Medical College spine surgeon Jack Stern, MD, was featured in a Scouting report on exercises to avoid back pain.
Pain physician Diva Nagula, MD, joined the ownership group for the Arena Football League's Jacksonville Sharks.