Outpatient Practice Management and Electronic Health Record Solution Study from HIMSS Analytics examines the U.S. outpatient market.
Here are five trends from the report:
1. The market adaption of practice management and EHR solutions has trended upward since the previous study and is nearing universal market adoption rates.
2. Hospital-owned outpatient centers report 92 percent adoption and 77 percent for free-standing practices, according to the HIMSS Analytics LOGIC.
3. Physician practices are positioned to address broader patient needs and continued regulations including Meaningful Use and Medicare Access and CHIP Reorganization Act.
4. Adoption among freestanding outpatient facilities increased 30 percent over the past five years.
5. There are some physicians on the verge of retirement and choose not to invest in EHR while others don’t feel they need it. As a result, opportunity in the freestanding market is limited.