While more women have chosen orthopedic surgery as a specialty, there is still a large gender gap in the specialty.
However, with different initiatives, women continue to gain exposure to orthopedic surgery at early ages, influencing them to choose orthopedics as a residency, according to Medscape.
Here's what you need to know.
1. In 2015, 5 percent of practicing orthopedists were women, the largest gender gap of any medical specialty. This is up from 2010, when 4 percent were women.
2. One study found more than 93 percent of referring orthopedic surgeons said a patient's gender doesn't affect their decision to recommend a total knee arthroplasty; however, patients tend to want physicians who look like them.
3. The Perry Initiative is one program that gives women exposure to orthopedic surgery at an early age. The program shows women they are capable of performing orthopedic surgery.
4. The Ruth Jackson Orthopaedic Society developed a database that matches women to their expertise within the specialty. This allows organizations to find female speakers and researchers to easily collaborate with female surgeons.
5. According to Perry Initiative surveyors, 28 percent matched in orthopedic residences in 2016. This is up from the 14.8 percent of women in currently in U.S. orthopedic residencies. It took 10 years from the percentage of women in orthopedic residencies to growth from 10.9 percent to 14.8 percent.