Sam Barnes, MD, a retired Florida orthopedic surgeon, underwent a new type of ankle surgery to combat degeneration, according to a report from The Herald Citizen.
Here are five key notes on the procedure:
1. James McKinney, MD, performed the procedure on Dr. Barnes, who previously underwent several injections and splints before deciding on a total ankle replacement surgery.
2. Dr. McKinney performed a trial procedure on a cadaver leg the night before the surgery. He performed the Scandinavian Total Ankle Replacement surgery on Dr. Barnes.
3. The STAR Ankle is a three piece mobile bearing non constrained, uncemented total ankle replacement system designed for patients with painful arthritis. Since the procedure, Dr. Barnes reports at least 50 percent of the pain is minimized.
4. The STAR technology comes from Small Bone Innovations and includes a tibial component, talar component and mobile bearing. There is a porous plasma spray applied to the ankle.
5. The implant is expected to last 10 years. Patients are expected to see maximum results within 18 months of surgery.