20 Recent Spine Surgery Studies and Findings



Here are 20 articles on spine surgery studies and their findings within the last month.

An analysis of the information on the internet about the X-Stop spinal procedures was recently published in The Spine Journal to determine how public information online portrays controversy existing in the literature. The authors concluded information on the internet was "incomplete and potentially misleading."


Researchers recently conducted an in vitro study on spinal burst fractures and the biomechanics underpinnings of the unexplained phenomenon, according to a study in The Spine Journal, and found that interpedicular widening at spinal burst fracture onset was 15.8 percent.


Spine surgeons and researchers recently published an article in The Spine Journal examining the characteristics of spinal injuries incurred from motor vehicle collisions. The characteristics include most frequent spinal injuries involved the chest and extension injuries were more common among older adults.


A group of researchers at The Spine Center at Oregon Health and Science University examined patient online new patient questionnaire completion rates for patients with and without email addresses, according to an AANS report. The researchers found that 82 percent of the patients with email and 62 percent of the patients without email addresses completed the questionnaire.


A study recently published in Spine compared arthrodesis rates between patients undergoing single-level minimally invasive transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion with Actifuse or recombinant bone morphogenetic protein-2. The researchers found one year after surgery 65 percent of the Actifuse cohort and 92 percent of the rhBMP-2 cohort showed radiographical arthrodesis.


A study recently published in Spine examined the quality of life for patients undergoing minimally invasive transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion for the first year after surgery. The findings include visual analogue scale scores decreased postoperatively from 7.0 to 3.5 and Oswestry Disability Index scores dropped postoperatively from 43.1 to 28.2.


A new study published in The Spine Journal examined the outcomes for posterior cervical foraminotomy with and without microdiscectomy. The researchers concluded the minimally invasive procedure with and without microdiscectomy was an "excellent alternative for cervical radiculopathy."


Surgeons and researchers recently published their research comparing cervical disc arthroplasty to anterior cervical discectomy and fusion growth in the journal Spine, and found that CDA grew 4.9 percent from 2007 to 2010 and ACDF grew 11.8 percent in those three years.


A study recently published in Spine outlines the predictors of 30-day readmission after anterior cervical fusion. The predictors included older age, diabetes and hypertension.


An article published in the Journal of Spinal Disorders and Techniques collected data from 24 patients who underwent microendoscopic discectomy for far lateral lumbar disc herniation. The article's authors found the procedure successful in all cases for patients with far lateral lumbar disc herniation.


A study recently published in The Spine Journal examined the cost of treating patients for adult spinal deformity at hospitals over the years. The researchers found that total hospital costs were $120,394 on average and primary surgery costs were $103,143 on average.


A survey of 445 spine surgeons in the United States examined the difference in treatment for patients with recurrent lumbar disc herniation and published the findings in The Spine Journal. The findings include surgeons who were in practice 15 or more years were more likely to select revision microdiscectomy.


Patients with a history of hypertension could have an increased likelihood of being readmitted despite avoiding a complication, following anterior cervical discectomy and fusion surgery, according to a study published in Spine.


A group of researchers published an article in The Spine Journal examining adjacent segment pathology for patients after anterior cervical discectomy and fusion with a minimum of 10 year follow-ups. The researchers observed that pathology in 13.5 percent of patients who had sustained trauma, 33.3 percent of patients with spondylolsis and 22.2 percent of those with disc herniation.


Researchers recently published an article in Spine examining the prevalence of thoracic scoliosis in patients 50 years and older. The findings include 24.2 percent prevalence of thoracic scoliosis in 760 patients who received chest plain radiographs.


A report in the February edition of the Journal of Spinal Disorders and Techniques evaluates radiation exposure during fluoroscopy-guided transforaminal and caudal approaches of lumbosacral epidural steroid injections. The researchers found that kerma-area product and fluoroscopy time were positively correlated for both transforaminal and caudal ESI.


A study published in Spine recently assessed the perioperative patient characteristics, hospital resource utilization and early postoperative outcomes for patients who needed reintubation following anterior cervical fusion. The researchers found the rate of reintubation was greater for patients who had three-plus levels fused than one- or two-level fusion and older patients were also more likely to require reintubation.


A new study published in Spine examines the long-term effects of repeat cervical fusion for patients who develop adjacent segment disease. Researchers found that ASD occurred 47±44.9 months after the first fusion procedure.


A new study published in Spine assesses the radiation exposure during robot-guided vertebral body augmentation compared to fluoroscopy. The researchers concluded that "radiation exposure of the surgeon and the operating room staff in a series of robot-assisted vertebral body augmentation was 74 percent lower than published results on fluoroscopy guidance."


Interventional augmentation procedures for spine compression fractures have proven to strengthen bones for longer and result in shorter hospitals stays than non-operative treatment, such as bed rest, pain control and physical therapy, researchers at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore found.

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